Setting Up Pytest for Automation Project

Pytest is a powerful testing framework for Python, widely used for functional and API testing. Its simplicity, scalability, and rich plugin ecosystem make it an excellent choice for test automation.

Installing Pytest

Before setting up Pytest, ensure you have Python installed. If not, download and install Python from the official website.

To install Pytest, run the following command:

pip install pytest

To verify the installation, check the version:

pytest --version

Project Structure

A well-structured project improves maintainability. Below is an ideal setup for a Pytest-based automation framework:

│── tests/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│── utilities/
│   ├──
│── TestData/
│   ├──
│── pageObjects/
│   ├──
│── reports/
│   ├── screenshots/

Writing Test Cases

Basic Test Case

Create a simple test file in the tests/ directory, for example,

def test_example():
    assert 1 + 1 == 2

Run the test using:

pytest tests/

Using Assertions

Pytest uses standard Python assert statements for validation:

def test_string():
    message = "Hello Pytest"
    assert message.startswith("Hello")

Markers for Categorizing Tests

Markers help organize and execute specific test groups:

import pytest

def test_smoke():
    assert 5 * 5 == 25

Run only smoke tests:

pytest -m smoke

Configuring Pytest


To configure global settings, create a pytest.ini file:

testpaths = tests
addopts = -v --html=report.html --self-contained-html
markers =
    smoke: Smoke tests for Fixtures

Fixtures help in setting up preconditions for tests:

import pytest

def setup():
    print("Setting up test environment")
    print("Tearing down test environment")

Running Tests

Run all tests:


Generate an HTML report:

pytest --html=report.html

Logging and Reporting


To capture logs, configure pytest.ini:

log_cli = true
log_cli_level = INFO
log_file = logfile.log
log_file_level = INFO

Allure Reporting

To generate advanced reports, install Allure:

pip install allure-pytest

Run tests with Allure reporting:

pytest --alluredir=reports/

Best Practices

  1. Use Fixtures Effectively: Reduce code duplication by utilizing fixtures.
  2. Use Page Object Model (POM): Keep UI interactions in pageObjects/.
  3. Categorize Tests with Markers: Make test execution structured.
  4. Generate Reports: Always generate HTML/Allure reports.
  5. Automate Test Execution: Integrate Pytest with CI/CD tools.


Setting up Pytest for automation is straightforward when you follow a structured approach. With the setup described here, you can build a robust, maintainable, and scalable test automation framework.

By leveraging Pytest’s powerful features like fixtures, markers, and reporting, you can create a seamless testing workflow that enhances software quality.