How To Test Login Page On Web Application
When testing a login page with email, password, and “Remember Me” fields, there are multiple positive and negative test cases that can be explored:
- 1. UI Testing
- UI of the Login Page: Verify that the entire login page is visible and correctly displayed, including the logo, input fields, buttons, and any other UI elements.
- Possible Combinations: Test on different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) to ensure responsiveness.
UI of Input Fields: Ensure all input fields (email, password) have proper placeholders and are clearly visible. Possible Combinations: Check for correct alignment, font size, and color contrast.
- 2. UX Testing
- Time to Load the Entire Page: Measure the time taken for the login page to load all its content.
- Possible Combinations: Test on different network speeds (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi) and simulate slow connections.
- Time to Submit the Application: Check the time it takes from clicking “Login” to receiving a response (success or error).
Possible Combinations: Test under heavy server load or simulate high-latency conditions.
- 3. Email Field Testing
Valid Email: Enter valid email formats (e.g., and ensure proper acceptance.
- Possible Combinations:</b>
- Registered vs. unregistered email.
- Verify case-insensitivity (upper/lowercase combinations).
- Invalid Email: Test various invalid formats.
- Without .com (e.g., user@domain)
- Missing @ symbol (e.g.,
- Incomplete email (e.g., user@)
- Email in Different Cases: Test email with variations in letter case:
- First letter capitalized (
- All letters capitalized (USER@EXAMPLE.COM)
- Random capitalization (uSeR@eXaMpLe.cOm)
- Without Email: Submit the form without entering an email and verify the appropriate error message.
- Expected Behavior: Display error like “Email is required.”
- 4. Password Field Testing
- Valid Password: Enter a correct password that meets the application’s criteria.
- Invalid Password
- Wrong password.
- Password with incorrect combinations (e.g., symbols instead of letters).
- Blank Password: Attempt to submit without entering a password.
- Expected Behavior: Display error like “Password is required.”
Identify Drop-off Points: Track user behavior to identify where they abandon the login process.
- 5. Remember Me Field Testing
- Tick Remember Me Checkbox on First Login: Ensure the session persists even after closing the browser.
- Tick Remember Me Checkbox on Next Login: Ensure the email/password fields are pre-filled or remembered.
- Login Without Ticking Remember Me: Ensure login credentials are not stored.
Untick Remember Me After Previous Tick: Ensure unticking does not save credentials.
- 6. Functionality Testing
- Login with Valid Email & Valid Password: Successful login expected.
- Login with Valid Email & Invalid Password: Display error like “Incorrect password.”
- Login with Invalid Email & Valid Password: Display error like “Invalid email format.”
- Login with Email & No Password: Expect “Password is required.”
- Login Without Email & With Password: Expect “Email is required.”
- Login Without Email & Without Password: Expect both error messages.
- Login with Remember Me Checked: Verify persistence across sessions.
- Login with Different Case Email: Verify case-insensitivity.
Login with Capitalized Password: Ensure passwords are case-sensitive if required.
- Additional Combinations:
- Brute Force Prevention: Ensure login attempts are blocked after several failed attempts.
- Session Timeout: Verify that inactive sessions expire after a set time.
- Password Reset Link: Test if the “Forgot Password” link redirects to the appropriate flow.
- Captcha Integration: Check if CAPTCHA prevents automated login attempts.